Travel Guide: How to Stay Healthy at 35,000 ft.

Whether for business or pleasure, travel can be pretty brutal at times. It’s easy to get out of your routine and sacrifice your normal health-conscious routine. From bad food to no working out, here are our tips when it comes to taking care of yourself on the go. From Bali to Australia and back again, we’ve tried it all and learned a thing or two about what can make you feel a little bit more like yourself while traveling.

Don’t get sick…

Before the flight: There is nothing worse then getting sick from traveling before you even reach your destination! What a buzz-kill.

The best defense is to build up your immune system beforehand. Two weeks prior to travel, pay extra attention to your food and water intake. Lots of greens and whole foods work wonders, giving you a boost of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to build up your immune system. Including Vitamin D drops can also be big help (we like Pure Encapsulations). 

During the flight: Keep your immunity up with Liposomal Glutathione and Vitamin C Powder Packs ( depending on the flight length, have more than one!) Don’t forget to wipe down! Sanitize with EO Essential Oils Lavender Hand Sanitizer. Most importantly, stay hydrated. Its great for your skin and great for preventing sickness.

Think about food

Before the flight: Let’s not pretend like airplane food is healthy.

Plan ahead and bring what you can. Fruit is light and easy to pack or opt for high protein options like Lara Bars or Rx bars. For meals try packing a salad with protein, with your dressing in a small container on the side to avoid sogginess. 

During the flight: One of our favorite ways to travel is to treat it as a time to fast. Although we might not all be regular intermittent fasters, flying can be a time to give your body a break and prevent burdening it with food. Depending on how long your flight is, this is could be the easiest and healthiest choice. Treat yourself to a good meal when you reach your destination.

In-flight beauty

During the flight: Keep your skin healthy and glowing even in a dry, pressurized cabin.

A good moisturizing mask or cream is a must. In order to step off the plane glowing try Glossier Moisturizing Moon Mask or Summer Friday’s Jet Lag Mask. Both are ideal during a flight since no rinsing required. 

Post flight: You might be different, but we need the most skincare selfcare post-flight. Nothing feels better than a long soak and body scrub (can’t forget the dry brushing before either!) End the night with Oak Essentials Body Balm, your skin will thank you!

Hope these suggestions help you on your next flight. Safe travels! ✈️


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